Eric Kawamoto-Violin

Eric has been playing violin since the age of 10, started singing in choruses and choirs when he started graduate school in Boston in 1985, and picked up the viola about 10 years ago. Over the years, he has played in various orchestras including the Caltech-Occidental Symphony Orchestra, Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra, the Longwood Symphony Orchestra, the Pioneer Valley Symphony Orchestra, and the Southern Maine Symphony Orchestra (as concertmaster, principal second violin, and principal viola). He is currently the principal second violin with the Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra, which performed The Christmas Rose with Jane Seymour and the Tim Janis Ensemble at Carnegie Hall in November, 2012. He has also played in numerous groups with Caltech Chamber Music and ChamberME, and has participated in summer workshops at the Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music as well as the Fall Foliage workshop under the auspices of Bay Chamber Concerts. His choral experience includes singing with the Harvard Summer Chorus, Harvard-Radcliffe Chorus, Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium Musicum, Back Bay Chorale, Chorus Pro Musica, and in choirs at Memorial Church (Harvard University), St. John's Episcopal Church (Northampton, MA), and The Cathedral Church of St. Luke (Portland, ME). He currently sings tenor with the local a cappella group Renaissance Voices. A physicist by training, Eric has been working as a software engineer at IDEXX Laboratories since moving to Maine in 1997.